Hello [contactfirstname],

You are listed as the point of contact for a trouble case in our system.

We recently performed technical support for this open case but the work performed requires that we follow-up to see if the issue is correctly resolved.

This email is automatically sent 72 hours after technical support was performed.

Would you please either call us or respond to this email and let us know if the trouble case is resolved?
If we do not hear from you in 72 hours we will consider this trouble case resolved and automatically close it.

The details for this case are as follows:

Service ticket# [srnumber]

The details that we have:

You may respond to this email with more information or contact us at:

Columbia City       260-213-4266
Fort Wayne           260-440-7377
Toll Free               866-369-1970

Help Desk is Option 1

Your Preferred Care Support Team
Preferred IT Group, LLC


This email notification is to update you as our goal is to keep constant communication with you until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.





e you as our goal is to keep constant communication with you until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.


